Thursday, October 29, 2009

Arrival of an Angel


God Almighty Blessed us with a grand daughter very recently.

Into a house of all grown up adults, a Tiny Little Angel arrived in her own way, at her own time, without any hurry and without any fanfare.

It was a Wednesday. Time was the first quarter of the day, 08:48, in the morning, to be precise, and the date was the 23rd day of September, 2009. Before the First Decade of the 21st Century was over.

It was a bright and sunny day. The mother was in her advanced stage of Labour, which started some 36 hours before.. Attending Obstetrician was ready and fully prepared to welcome the Sweet Little Life into this world.

The Father was pacing the corridor up and down, outside the Labour Room, quietly and with great expectancy. And Lo, the miracle of miracles, the wonder of wonders, Happened !! A shrill cry of a new born Life resounded in the Labour Room, and in a few moments the News was announced by the Nurse, “Its a Girl !” !!!

How strange it is that Nature decides the precise moment of Birth, beating all human calculations and expectations. Its perfectly programmed and executed with a split second accuracy. Not a second this way or that way. The baby cries and the lungs start functioning. And then onwards its all automatic. The Body, however tiny it may be looks after itself with a precision that Humans can never achieve.

It was celebrations all over. The Grand Parents on either side are in joy unbounded , distributing sweets to whomsoever they come across and congratulating each other and receiving countless congratulatory phone calls from all over the Relatives / Friends Circles.

And when we go up to see the sweet little angel,she looks at each of us with wide open tiny little eyes and conveys an unspoken message of love and affection for her kith and kin in this new world she entered just a few minutes ago !

God be Praised for this Great Wonder He Created and presented her to us. Oh, God your kindness is Unique. You Alone can do this to us.

We are truly and heartily thankful to you.

Parsa V Ramachander Rao.

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