Yesterday, Saturday,May 3, 2014, Vividh Bharati broadcasted an interview with Aamir Khan, which was very thought provoking and most topical for the day.
Aamir Khan spoke at length on the present system of electing our Representatives to the various Legislatures and the Parliament. Our present system is, First Past the Post is winner. That is when a candidate gets even ONE vote more than his nearest opponent he is declared as the winner in the Elections.
A simple majority is the criteria for a legislator or Parliament contestant to win. This encourages Politicians to divide the Voters into as many groups as possible so that Vote Banks are created in every Constituency.
Muslims, Christians, Kammas, Reddys, Reddy Christians, Kapus, Yadavs, Jats, Dalits, and many many more sub sects. In Andhra Pradesh, even Scheduled Castes have been divided into Malas, Maadigas, OBCs and so on and so forth.
The idea is, even if one group fully votes for you, the required extra vote / votes are polled in your favour and you win the election.
Aamir's suggestion is that a winner should be determined, on the per centage of votes he polls in the constituency. Only when he polls at least 51 % of the total votes polled, he can be declared a winner. Aamir claims that when this happens, Politicians will have no choice than uniting people to get the required percentage, where as now they are actively engaged in dividing people into small small splinter groups to serve their ulterior motives to get a simple majority.
Aamir claims that in many countries this system is in vogue. And that the next Lok Sabha sitting after May 16,2014, must seriously debate this matter and bring in the required legislation for such Electoral Reforms.
In my opinion there is a lot of validity in this suggestion and deserves a Nation Wide debate and a dispassionate view of the required Electoral Reforms. Let all patriotic citizens of India brood over these thoughts.
Let India have a clean, impartial, transparent and fully ethical Electoral System.